100 Women

100 Women

Did you know that the Bible contains more than 400 women? Some are named and others are unnamed. Each has a story! Each is relevant. I shared lessons learned from 100 of them, 1 per day for 100 days. Then, I published them in a full-color, pictorial, coffee table storybook, “Say My Name: An exploration of 100 biblical women”. This large, 8 ½ x 11, hardback book contains colorful images, my research on 100 women, and my sermon from the celebration!! (And, we had a grand virtual culmination and celebration on April 26. Check out the full video below.)

And … we are not done! We will begin soon, journaling for 100 days using the companion “Say My Name” journal!

04.26.2022 “Say My Name: An exploration of 100 women of the Bible” Culmination and Celebration